Physics Applications, Inc.

Since its creation in 1982 PAI’s primary business has been the design and fabrication of ballistic research launchers, support equipment and instrumentation.  Over the years we have produced numerous single-stage gas guns, solid propellant guns and two-stage light gas guns as well as enclosed ballistic ranges and instrumentation for both government and commercial concerns, domestic and foreign.

We specialize in supplying custom built equipment to meet a customer’s specific requirements.  Whether its fitting a gun system into a “cramped” space or tailoring a ballistic range for a unique experiment, weI will apply our design expertise to develop solutions to the most demanding problems.

Suitability for a specific task, ease of operation, flexibility, economy and safety are the primary goals of all PAI equipment.  Our years of experience with the design and construction of ballistic research equipment provides invaluable insight for accomplishing these goals.

PAI has served clients the world over and stands ready to provide the best in the areas of design, development, consultation and fabrication of ballistic ranges or components. We can assure that your budget will be focused for maximum impact and your project will always be on target.